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Indigo Children: Fact or Fiction?

Indigo Children: Fact or Fiction? The new age children have been variously described of late as Indigos (because of the supposed color of their auras), Star Kids (because of their purported origination from other worlds), Crystals (because some say they are highly developed), and so forth.  Easy-spanish-rice-recipe. Professionals in the field of child development and education, parents, even the Indigo children themselves, are having problems with the idea that certain character traits are the sole province of special youngsters when, in fact, the vast majority of today's children match those same traits – without evidencing anything like a purple aura, or being a hybrid from another planet, or possessing "god-like" wisdom.  Being supersensitive, confident, highly intelligent, unusually creative, nonconformist, extraordinarily psychic and spiritually aware, impatient, empathic, able to heal or aid others in significant ways, abstracting at young ages, spatial learner

Kate Mitchell via The Healers Journal (Indigo Child)

Kate Mitchell via The Healers Journal (Indigo Child)

HJ: While many indigos are indeed still children, quite a large number of you have now progressed onto adulthood.. I think this is an important distinction because it may keep some people from identifying themselves as such due to a more advanced age. 
One thing to always remember when talking about indigos and their arrival is that everyone is speaking in general terms. There are no hard and fast rules as to when these souls started arriving and it woud be a disservice to many to claim they are not indigos based on their birthdate. 
If you find yourself identifying with many of the traits listed below, I would say that is enough to identify you as a card carrying Indigo. You know at the soul level if it is true or not — if you truly resonate with these descriptions, then honor that intuitive impulse.

Indigos: The Bringers of the Dawn

Indigo children are the Bridgers from the Old World of win/loose to the New World of win/win. They ensure that we close the doors to war, poverty, discrimination and separation. They usher in the world of peace, abundance and oneness.

Indigos began entering Earth around 45 years ago. They are born into every race and social structure in existence. They hold an innate energy vibrational frequency of Love. Indigos come into our world through the Third Eye Chakra which is the center of intuition, spiritual will, connecting ideas and developing a ‘picture’ of the world. They tend to be very strong willed, ultra sensitive, and quite “rebellious.” They don’t like authority or to be boxed in. “Thinking out of the box” is a trendy phrase we use today with its foundation in the Indigo energy.

Indigos are born with a tremendous sense of integrity and act like royalty; kings and queens. A lot of their rebellious behavior against authority stems from the fact that they know that there is a lack of justice in our present world and an unfair treatment of humanity.

The life mission of an Indigo is to take responsibility for every action, word, feeling and thought.

They have a tremendous desire to be of service to mankind. Therefore, one of their biggest challenges is to honor and love themselves, to have boundaries and to learn to say, “no.” Their biggest asset may be their psychic/intuitive abilities. They are the alchemists, priests/priestesses, wizards and magicians of the planet.

When they are in their power, Indigos can easily create through the power of intention. Their warrior like energy and their peace-making attitude has enabled them to truly create an energetic bridge from the old beliefs of manipulation and control to the new value structure of win-win and cooperation. When Indigos are grounded and feel like they belong, they can fulfill their true-life purpose becoming significant and meaningful contributors to our world. Thus, they will fulfill that powerful desire to make a difference.

Many children of the Indigos are Crystals. These children, toddlers and infants around 15 years old and under are truly the New World Children. Whereas, many parents of the Indigos may not have fully understood who their children were, many parents of the Crystals (who are indeed Indigos) know how special these children are and that they require special care and schools in order for them to truly flourish.

Crystals are also very sensitive, intuitive and extremely bright. They seem very “present.” These children have amazing round ‘soul filled’ eyes and they love crystals and rocks. They are a lot more easy going and don’t have the “edge” that the Indigos exhibit. Crystals are able to live more in their joy. They are born healers. They truly are paving the way to the New Earth.

Indigos and Crystals are the Bringers of the Dawn … and what is this dawn? It’s the dawning of the New Age, the Golden Age of Peace. It is now time to honor these precious souls who have come to usher in a new frequency of Love. With them, they bring the Light of Oneness. It is indeed an exciting time on Planet Earth during this amazing transition.

We are truly blessed to be a witness to these incredible souls. Those of us who are chosen to raise Indigos and Crystals have a tremendous responsibility to set an example o­f truth and love, allowing our children to be who they camehere to be.

What is an indigo Child?
  • They are extremely sensitive and very intuitive.
  • They are “peace warriors” and can be very “edgy.”
  • They have a tremendous desire to be of service to mankind.
  • They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)
  • They have a feeling of “deserving to be here,” and are surprised when others don’t share that.
  • Self-worth is not a big issue with those in their power. They often tell the parents “who they are.”
  • They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
  • They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
  • They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented, outdated and don’t require creative thought.
  • They often see better ways of doing things, both at home, work and in school, which makes them seem like “system busters” (nonconforming to old systems).
  • They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. The old school system may be extremely difficult for them socially.
  • They will not respond to “guilt” discipline (“Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did”).
  • They are not shy in letting you know what they need.
  • They are often diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia and other learning challenges.
  • Most are creative or intellectual geniuses.

How can we assist the Indigos to fulfill their mission?

It is very important and imperative to fully support the Indigos. Remember that this is the current generation that is seeding the positive wave of change to our planet and our interaction with it. It is extremely important to listen to these beings, and be open to hearing their ‘radical’ and innovative ideas, thoughts and perceptions.

 Providing encouraging support to the Indigos is an essential way to empower these special beings as you show that you recognize and acknowledge who they truly are. The ways of an Indigo may be different than what has been done before. However, they may indeed be better and more efficient, so let’s pay attention and explore their ways of doing things. Indigos have the ability to see things from a more sustainable win/win approach. 
Their gift is not perceiving life through old paradigm structures which have kept us in a disempowering matrix of enslavement. Every generation can teach us; but Indigos are the most significant teachers that have ever come to this planet. Let’s understand them, support them and learn from them. They truly are our teachers…truly.....

Kate Mitchell via The Healers Journal (Indigo Child) VIDEO


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